Bobby Wilson
I have been a massage bodyworker for the past 13 years, specializing in Myofascial Release and Thai bodywork. I love connecting people to their bodies, the physical and the emotional. Metta means Loving-Kindness, and my Metta Movement classes are group self-care sessions intended to help you reconnect to your body using simple tools such as breathwork, myofascial techniques, and props: foam rollers, lacrosse balls, bolsters, and gravity, just to name a few!
Training and certification highlights:
Living Sabai, Thai training Asheville NC
International Training Massage School Chiang Mai, Thailand
Boonthumme Thai Massage School Thailand, Pichet and Aon Boonthumme
Omsala Thai Herbal Compress, Thailand
John F Barnes Myofascial Release MFR 1&2, Unwinding, Mobilization
more to come this year: MFR pelvis, MFR rebounding, MFR cervical-thoracic